
Paint color classification

Color paint ( color inks are sprayed ) is a color change of use of other substances produced a special paint . Temperature change paint color changes into a variety of temperature when exposed to heat and achromatic color , cold or warm color discoloration , etc. special color paint . could change color with the temperature masterbatch production . In case of heat- containing compounds from a chemical reaction and color wrapped into microcapsules.
, textiles , gifts ( such as color ceramic cups ) and so on.
1 Press site classification. Paint is divided into paint , wood and metallic paint . Including exterior wall paint , interior wall paint and top coat , mainly paint and other varieties; Wood mainly lacquer, polyurethane paint, etc. ; metallic paint mainly enamel .
2 Press the status classification . Paint can be divided into Photoluminescent Sign paint and oil paint . Latex paint is water-based paints major , and nitrate paint, polyurethane paint , etc. are mostly oil-based paint .
3 classified by function . Paint can be divided into waterproof paint , fire retardant paint , mildew paint, lacquer and mosquito versatility with a variety of functions , such as paint .

