
Tell magical color material

The world is because of the color of colorful, life is because of the color becomes colorful , it all comes from the gifts of nature and human ingenuity . With advances in technology , humans can have a variety of ways to express color, apply a color , which color development and application of materials brought us fresh "colorful " life, but also in production, many aspects of defense shine.
Under the effect of the external excitation source , glow in the dark sheet  or a significant change in the system occurs a phenomenon called color discoloration . Gas , liquid or solid can be observed discoloration . The external excitation source may be light, heat , electricity , and pressure .
First look at the photochromic material. Photochromic phenomenon refers to a compound of a certain wavelength is irradiated by light , the photochemical reaction can occur to give the product b, a and b color ( i.e., the absorption of light ) is significantly different. b In another beam of light irradiation or by heating can be restored to its original form a. Usually one of the most known is the use of photosensitive silver halide photographic systems , dispersed in the glass or film silver crystallites under UV black , but reversed in the dark and heat , it becomes colorless state . Photoluminescent Masterbatch application of this system as an automatic adjustment of the intensity of transmitted light color sunglasses . Using the photochromic polymer layer as an optical disk is an optical disk recording can be cleaned , the disc can be repeatedly used , because photochromic reaction is a reversible , when recording the image or text information , the use of a starting Matches laser absorption wavelength of a compound in the irradiation area of the laser spot will give a photoproduct b microdots . After recording the disc , or if you want to modify the original information is not required , and can be heated or laser treatment approaches and photoproducts b mating , so that the original micro- dot will disappear and become blank. Photochromic CD discs and traditional compared to many advantages, such as the storage of high -density , light- fast response, anti- magnetic , good antifouling properties , easy processing , low cost.

